Hi, I'm Adan Silva (aka. secmancer),

About Me

Hello, my name is Adan Silva. I am a college freshmen at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in CS. I am really interested in pursing a career in cybersecurity, in which I'm currently educating myself in. I am currently CompTIA Security+ and ITF+ certified. I also participated in robotics during my high school years and also was one of the first students to successfully complete the CTE Cybersecurity path at my school. I love learning something new everyday!


VS Code
Intellij IDEA
John the Ripper
Risc-V Assembly
Burp Suite
x86 Assembly
Windows Server

Education & Experience

For more detailed information, have a look at my resume and give it a download!

  • Train and provide aid to the software lead and subteam. Build projects out for the software students and contribute some parts of code. Maintain the GitHub repos and provide feedback.
    C++ Linux Git Python Gradle Java Controls
  • I aid in looking at the logs of the network, maintaining and updating our cybersecurity equiptment and software, and defend the network from intruders to ensure Cal Poly students and faculty have access to accessible and secure resources.
    Security Operations Cybersecurity
  • Currently, I am part of the process of overseeing various networks for clients, in which these systems are managed and serviced as needed. However, I also get to see other provided services like vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and more to see the different future career opportunities that are available in the cybersecurity industry.
    Operating Systems Networking Cybersecurity Centralized Services Administration Vulnerability Assessment
  • B.S Computer Science
  • Dual enrollment classes (transfer credit)
  • High School Diploma
  • I was in charge of the software subteam, which programs our robot to do the specific task the game requires us to do. Represent the team in lead meetings and ensure tasks are done on time. Contribute to robot code and mentor/train rookies to get up to speed. Serve as the lead technician at official competition events
    C++ Linux Git Python Gradle Java Controls
  • Programmed a huge part of the robot. Learn skills in programming and managing through Git and GitHub. Learned how to work with others and get tasks done under an intense environment.
    C++ Linux Git Python Gradle Java Controls

Notable Projects

The source code for the FIRST 3512 Spartatroniks's 2022 FRC postseason swerve drive robot. It involves porting over the BaseFalconSwerve to be compatible with the REV Robotics ecosystem. Serves as a template for any team to use as they wish.

Java WPILib Robotics Template

The source code for FIRST 3512 Spartratroniks's 2020 FRC robot.

Java WPILib Robotics

The source code for FIRST 3512 Spartratroniks's 2023 FRC robot. My last year as a student on the team, and what I consider my magnum opus.

Java WPILib Robotics

Projects pulled from my GitHub

My personal portfolio website!


Archive of older projects


Repo for work from Cal Poly SLO's CSC 202 for Fall 2023


A collection of projects created during my time as a student in the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC).



If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to reach out to me with the platforms below!